Monday, May 21, 2012

No supermom here!

  Sometimes I think the hardest part of being a responsible adult is trying to keep it all straight.  Just when I think I am all caught up, I remember, or see i.e.; pile of laundry, stack of papers, messy bedroom/craftroom/spare room/bathroom (take your pick).  I keep telling myself, "I am going to get organized like I was that one year in 2006!"  Do I suffer from grand delusion?  Was I really all that organized?  In my head I remember a super clean house with a place for everything, and everything in it's place. My daily work out only consisted of 20 minutes and I never once had to look at my precious babes and say "Get in here and clean this mess!!!"

  Then I think about the fact that I was not as mature as I am now, and part of the reason my workout only consisted of 20 minutes is because I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off the other 17 hours and 40 minutes of the day I was awake.  My children were too little to move from room to room making colossal messes, and I didn't have to feel guilty for cleaning their rooms because they couldn't do it themselves.  So I guess in the end there is always a trade off.  Not to mention my organization did not come on my own merit, I had help from a friend/professional organizer.  Oh how I wish she could come stay with me for a week in my new house and get me on track!  She had a special way of getting me to get rid of stuff, and a special look for when I resisted.

  So carving out time for anything extra would seem impossible right?  Ha ha, not if you're me.  It's like when you are in the car and you hear a strange noise so you turn up the radio, or when your husband sees a cobweb in the kitchen, so you get up and turn the light off.  Yep, ignore it.  Does it go away?  No, but it's all about priorities my friends.  Where do they lie?  Lately I have been getting the important house cleaning duties done, like my kitchen is clean before I go to bed at night, and the bathrooms are clean (enough), but poor Scentsy has taken a back seat, and so has sweeping and mopping...I mean I squeeze it in when I can, and I can't tell you how long the pile of CLEAN laundry has been sitting here waiting to get folded.

   But here I sit blogging.  I tell you I need to do it.  I love to read back (when I have time) on my bloogies and see where I was, and hopefully how far I have come.  I don't preted to be perfect, but I am also not going to pretend I don't strive to improve.  Part of what takes precedence in my life right now is training for a 1/2 marathon, you can read all about that on my running blog.  This is part of my improving.

   I have begun to tell myself "yes I can" to the things I thought all my life I couldn't do.  Running is one, and the other is...get ready... because no one I know believes I can do it... it's... Making dinner every night YEP, something most people have no problem achieving.  I think I am the one who doubts myself the most.  I don't like to cook.  I always pictured myself as this mom who would do crafts with my kids, have a full course meal on the table every night, a perfectly put together house, have a game night, help kids with homework you get it.  I know that's a lot to put on myself, and I KNOW it's unrealistic, but gosh it's not bad things I want, and I suppose if that were all I set out to do, it would be possible, but then my SELF gets involved and I want me time, and me time takes time away from family time.

  I guess I better leave my supermom cape in the closet for a little while longer.

Love xoxoxox
A delusional mom

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Want to know more about how we got our puppy?

  If you are a Facebook friend of mine, you know by now that we got a new puppy.  Maybe I should use the term "we" a little more lightly.

  As I was trying to explain to a friend how I was not necessarily on board for a new pet, and how it had gotten to the point where I could no longer avoid the issue, she said "Oh, like a freight train."  As I contemplated what she said, I came to the conclusion, that, YES!, very much like a freight train!  Seemingly slowly approaching, even appearing to disappear at times, thenWHAM in your FACE!!!!!!

  It was mothers day and my husband informed me that this was the last Goldendoodle left in the litter, we had to go look at her at least.  I figured I would give them that.  What was I thinking?  It was Mothers day for crying out loud.  If I never have a say another day of the year, this would have been my day to say "Nope, we are not doing that on my day!"  But there's this whole thing about how it was late afternoon, sunshiny, nice, my husband had been so patient with me, and had kept the kids occupied while my mom and I were shopping.  Not to mention the whole selfless be patient thing that Jesus has been helping me work I figured, I owed them at least a look at the puppy.  I think you all know what happened after this.  Oh I did put up a small argument at the place where we picked her up, but I could tell husband was standing some ground on this one.

  I think that my daughter may have been caught a little off guard with the whole "having to get up in the middle of the night" thing.  I even asked her "Did we tell you that you were going to have to be getting up in the middle of the night with the puppy before you got her?"  She said "no".  This child is drag out tired.  By the time 7PM rolls around, her eyes are drooping.  She knows she has to keep the puppy awake (she learned that the hard way) and she does, despite the fact she just wants to relax.  But through all this, I have not heard her complain once.  Emily is not a typical child, she is very giving, and patient, and does what she knows needs to be done...sure she cracks every once and a while and gets fed up like we all do, and yes there is disobedience, but for the most part she never ceases to impress and amaze me.  (I will clarify now that I have two and Emily is not my favorite because I don't have a favorite, it is just her moment to shine :))

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Today's the day.
I am wishing I would have put some stuff together fun to do with these girls.  I tell myself that if I wouldn't have been so involved with the preparation for the cruise, that my mind would have been able to do that.  However in reality, I still would have been too busy to wrap my head around anything creative.  Hence the reason I have not knit, scrapbooked, or sewn anything since last summer :(

Last night my dear husband said "I'm going to miss you", I replied, "I will miss you too, but hey...if there were ever a week for your wife to be gone, this is the perfect week"  (as I do tend to get a little grouchy and hormonal once a month...just a little ;))

Monday, May 7, 2012

6th grade science camp vs. Christian Outdoor School

  I will be joining the 6th graders for a little ditty called Christian Outdoor School soon.  This I anticipate will be much like 6th grade science camp.  The only differences...about 15 degrees cooler, and no pool.  Oh and I didn't have the advantage of Christ being the main focus.  

  This is going to be interesting.  I am not a fan of being outside in temperatures below 70 degrees F., I am anticipating my monthly visitor to show up right at the beginning of this little endeavor that does not include in-cabin bathrooms, and I am so worried I am going to forget something essential.  Also being a accustomed to this new gadget generation, I am hoping I will at least be able to connect on my cell phone during the evenings.  Say what you will, think what you will, it's the truth, it's how I feel, and I am admitting it!!!!

  I am leaving my family in the hands of my mom.  She will be picking up and dropping off the children, and staying the night a couple of the nights.  I am blessed by this because I know she will try to help out as much as possible, keeping things picked up, and making sure everyone is comfortable.  It sure is nice not to have to worry.  I just hope she doesn't try to feed Kurt (he is anti vegetarian) ha ha, but she knows this.  I explained to the kids that Grandma would probably want to keep the house up for my return, and would probably be a lot like mom asking them to clean up their messes, and if she does, to please just do what she asks.   I also told them that I would be sure to let her know they do not have to clean their rooms, but if she offers to help them, and they want to do that, then they can.  I also told them she probably won't be doing that.

  I feel like I have a million things to do before I go, and of course this being the last day before I leave, I have an oil change appointment right after work, then pick up the kids, go to piano, then have just a few hours to tidy up and have all ship shape so my mom doesn't have to start off with a pig sty.  

  Do I have time to blog?  Not exactly.  I am doing this while I eat my breakfast.  Not the smartest thing to do, I know.

  I think we are all suffering from the high pollen count today, and there is a chorus of sneezing this morning ;)  

  I hope to come back and tell you all about my adventure.  BTW, I am very excited to share this experience with the sweetest 6th grade girls I know.  


Saturday, May 5, 2012

My Review of G6 airpark in Vancouver, WA

Last week the middle school class went to a place called G6 airpark in Vancouver.  They came back and said it was so fun, and tiring.  I decided to take my girls today, which happens to be a Saturday.

Directions:  I looked them up online, they are right across the main road from a Giant grocery store, so that makes them easily locatable.  There is no sign direct from the road (at least that I seen), however the sign that is above their space is very large and visible from the street, but not till you are right up on it.

Parking.  There was ample parking available for the day I was there.  However there doesn't seem to be
a smoking section as there were a few people smoking to the right of the door, it wasn't terrible, but definitely noticed.

Once inside, we were immediately acknowledged with a "Welcome to G6!" that was a nice touch, as I cannot tell you how many times I have walked into places that were not even busy, and the staff acted as though I wasn't even there.  I cannot tell you weather it was busy in there or not because that was my first time, but if I had to guess, I would say yes, it was busy.  There was a birthday party going on as well.

The price:  We had a coupon for my kids to pay for the first hour then get the second hour free.  I paid for only one hour for myself.  $10 an hour for Saturday.  It is a little cheaper if you come during the week.

The lockers: I immediately seen the lockers and decided to take advantage of them because I had my phone and it wasn't going to work being in my pocket.  The lockers were the kind where you put your stuff in, then your money and you turn to release the key...well, I didn't do it right the first time.  I notified the staff, and they were fantastic about getting me another locker.  Overall, I really don't think I needed a locker.  They have places to put your personal belongings on the platform, where if you are jumping, you can easily keep an eye on them.

The Trampolines:  They were great!  They had these yellow things that separated them, which I had a hard time jumping over them ( I think it was just me) that after a while I figured it out and got the hang of it.  I was able to get some serious air, and had fun bouncing my girls.  There is no fear of hitting the ceiling, bumping into someone else, or falling out.  Maybe a little concern for bumping into someone else, but minimal.  They have great rules, and plenty of "life guards" in the sections.

The Rules: Do not go on the blue mats (borders), do not jump on the yellow surfaces, and no sitting on the trampolines.  I love that they make it so people cannot sit, that way everyone can enjoy jumping without having to worry about hurting someone.

As a parent who may not want to jump:  There are places to sit on the platforms, I did not count, but there were two or three couches in the main jump area, and another set of couches in the foam pit.  The trampolines are also visible from the dining/birthday area as well.

The foam pit:  This was very cool.  They had 4 or 5 foam pits (one at a time please) and the last one had a ladder over it that you could try to make it to the other side without falling into the foam.  I loved the foam pit once I got the nerve to do a front flip into it.  If you are wanting a strenuous work out, try to climb out of that thing a few times!

Food and drinks:  Their web site shows you the food they offer, and the pricing.  I do not think it is unreasonable, especially if I were having a birthday party and wanted pizza.  I got a glimpse of the pizzas, and they actually looked good!  We didn't jump for more than an hour, and if you eat before you go, your really not there long enough to need food.

  I give G6 a thumbs up and will return someday.  This time with my sports bra already on.  TMI?  not if your a woman reading this!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

The drive through difference

Way FM is putting on this little thing called the drive through difference.  I know this is not a new concept, and think at one point in my life have been a receiver of it.  Some one pays for your order before you ever reach the window to pay for your food.  Way FM's version comes with a letter.
This was a great idea, at least giving the receiver some direction to where they can hear about God in a positive way.  I printed the letter and decided I was going to use it when I set out to get my pizza at Papa Murphey's!  I walked up to the register and said my name, then said I would like to pay for another order. It didn't matter which one.  I knew it could have been a big one, but I was willing to take that chance because I was doing it out of love, and whatever one it ended up being, the Lord would help us to recover.  When I told her that she disappeared to the back, and one of the young men making pizzas said "wow, that is really nice of you!"  "that is good karma"  I said, well when you are so blessed yourself it is good to bless other people, and explained about the WayFM thing.  So positive, I was so thankful for the praise and for being able to do it.  The second experience was Mc Donalds.  As I went into the drive through there was no one behind me, so I figured, okay, there is no one I need to do this for.  Then a lady drove up, I was done ordering so I went to the pay window.  When I got there I informed the guy that I needed to pay for my order and the next persons order, then he had to verify exactly which vehicle, then once we got that straightened out, he had to get an override code for using the same card twice.  What a mess!  Then when the lady got to the window, I was watching with trying not to watch.  She was more skeptical than anything.  She sat there in the window (when she could have pulled forward) and read that whole letter!  I tried not to get on her in my head, but I guess I was frustrated.  Maybe that is why God doesn't always let us see what happens when we extend blessing.  Sometimes I can't stand myself.

  All in all they were both positive experiences.

  Easy: blessing a grateful person
  Hard: giving a blessing then not getting the reaction you want

  Hard: Giving money you'd rather use for yourself
  Harder: Giving money you're not sure you have

  Easy: Giving praise to God in the good times
  Hard: Giving praise to God in the hard times  

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I can't promise i'll ever get interesting

So I haven't exactly been a "stay at home" mom for the last couple of years, but with my job, I kind of am.  I work for the school my kids currently attend.  Next year that will all change, as the  little school I fell in love with, along with all the staff in it, is closing.  May and the first part of June will be our last months together.  I am not sad about losing my job, I didn't really dig freezing outside in the winter time anyway.  I am however sad for those who cannot afford to go without a job, and am prayerful that they will find exactly what the Lord has for them.

  I have so many things roll through my head that don't go into my running blog, that I thought, hey...this is established, may as well get to journaling.  I have a desire to write.  In fact if I had gone to college like I should have, I would have been a Journalist.  I really did always want to be one.  It's funny how I always chose to give up on anything I thought I wanted, because I didn't think I had the means or smarts to achieve it.  Now that I am older and working toward goals that I have admired in other people and wanted all my life.

People who don't really know me look at me like I am doing all this to be cool, to impress everyone else...I assure you, that is NOT the of the reasons though, I will to impress myself for sure!, which I haven't figured out if that is easy or hard, maybe somewhere in the middle, as we are our own worst critics.

  So, in feeding into my journalism and desire to write, I am planning on starting a new blog titled "Spotlight On" (not original, however, it works)  Do you have friends or meet people who do things, that may not be out of the ordinary, but you wish you knew more about what it is they do, or what drives them?  For me I wonder about ordinary things people do that, either I am not able to do, or am intrigued by how or what they do.  I have my first subject.  I just have to confirm my editor, and I will be ready!   With the business of life, it may be a month or so before you will see the fruits of my labor.  I am just "priming the pump" if you will.

  As some of you may already know, I have been officially inducted into "adolescence".  It hasn't as much to do with age, and action, although I believe the age matches the action (she is 10)  You see, I experienced my first eye roll yesterday.  This one was complete with heavy sigh.  There was no mistaking how very ridiculous I was behaving at that moment.  I was about to react, but then had flash backs of my mother telling my sister constantly not to roll her eyes,  So I said nothing, because really, she was upset with me, didn't want to back talk me, but had to have some sort of outlet.  Unfortunately we learn the hard way sometimes not to wear our emotions on the outside...I know from experience, and my facial expressions doom me to this day.

  I have big dreams...or wishes rather of having a clean organized home, making dinner every night, and spending quality time with my family...and staying in shape.  Dreams, wishes, or not, something's got to give.  If you come to my house, it won't take you long to figure out what that something is ;)

  Thank you for taking time to read about my life.