Friday, November 27, 2015

Running: It saves my sanity and my waistline

I will never forget that feeling that came over me when I took a boot camp class at the gym, and after we were done with the weights and body resistance workout the instructor put us on the treadmill.  With each bump of the speed I felt a freeing high emotion that I can barely explain.  Could it be that I got my first runners high in the 5 minutes that I was on that treadmill?  I guess anything is possible.

As I exercised my right to run more frequently I had some difficult runs, but mostly really good runs.  I had anxiety over distance, and struggled to find time.  I loved the summer and refused to run (outside) in the winter, especially after training with my daughter for a race in January of 2014.  That was almost two years ago.

Since then I have run 2 marathons after I said I wouldn't likely run even one.  The training was over the spring for one, and the summer for the next…practically back to back.

I thought I was going to get burned out, and I kind of did.  I swore I was taking the winter off and finding a new way to exercise without winter weather exposure.  But something was happening to me.

My mood and my muffin top weren't improving.

So I found myself texting my running partner quite frequently.  Suddenly the winter elements had no hold on me.

Carving out time wasn't an issue!  Not many people are busy between 4 and 6 am.

I'm not saying all problems can be solved through running, but they sure can clear an angry head.  I think my kids would say I am a nicer mommy for it.  

Thursday, September 3, 2015

An open letter to my children of how first day drop off went (for me)

Dear Emily
As I woke you up this morning I looked at your sweet face and said “Today is the first day of 8th grade”  I didn’t think much about it as I have been contemplating the 8th grade ,and you being in it, since September of last year.  You had most of your stuff packed up last night, so getting ready was a breeze for you.  We arrived to school right on time.  You got into your locker and got everything squared away quickly…this is old hat for you!  Off to your class we go.  I trail behind you, my steps slow to a crawl, finally a stop.  This time 2 feet from your door instead of opening it and walking in behind you.  I call your name, and you turn not realizing that I was stopped.  I gave you a kiss and a hug and said have a great day.  You said “Okay Mom, I love you.”  And with that you were in your classroom being an 8th grader. Earning your middle school right of passage.

I wanted so badly to go back and peek in on you.  I also know that you need your space, and even though I know I will be there for you for the rest of my life, I cannot stand over and watch your every moment.  My heart is just a little achy and proud this morning.

I love you dearly sweet child.

Love Mom.

Dear Haley,
I woke you this morning reminding you it was the first day of school.  You got out of bed rather quickly and proceeded to get ready for school.  I straightened your hair, then your sister French braided it, then I French braided it, then you wore it straight.  You were just a little nervous about today and all of the newness it might bring.  I don’t remember you being this nervous for school…ever.  So in my mommy mind it meant you were going to need me extra this morning.

As we walked into the school you went to your locker to put away your stuff.  I though for sure I was going to have to help you open your lock (with the combination still taped to the back).  You opened your lock without trouble.  Your first class was PE in the gym.  You opened the gym door after giving me a kiss goodbye and stopped in the doorway, your face softening to make sure it was I who didn’t need you.  How did you know?  I made a very confident face and told you to have a great day and that I loved you.  You went into the gym, the door closing behind you to join the ranks of middle school. 

I stood there for a while, looked at another mom and said “I don’t even need to be here, but I am just standing here.”  Then I left. 
My heart is achy and proud today. 
I love you dearly sweet child
Love, Mom

Saturday, August 8, 2015

On this, the eve of my 41st birthday I woke up very early to prepare for an 8 mile run in preparation for my second marathon.  Last year I remember looking at the marathon running schedule and debating on squeezing one in before I turned 40.  The debate didn't last long once I seen how many miles it takes to train for this type of event.

After my shower and coffee with the most important man in my life, I logged into my NASM account so I could continue studying for my Corrective Exercise Certification.  I am very involved and excited (more than I would have been two years ago upon graduation) about this type of information.  I am thrilled to have extended knowledge of what makes the body work more efficiently.

Last year I had a huge birthday party, and it was fun, but a lot of work.  I will never do that again.  The next big thing I want to plan is a graduation party, weather it's for the 8th grade, or the 12th grade.

As a personal trainer I am really coming along, learning so much!  There really is something to be said for experience, and the older I get, the more I realize that.  Some times I have to step outside of my situation to be able to see progress.

I was telling Kurt today that people in the gym now recognize me enough to ask me questions, or for advice.

This birthday is a lot lower key.  I have found an excitement for riding my bicycle.  When we went camping this year Kurt and I rode into Trinity Center from the camp ground and it was so great!  Maybe it's because when I run it's usually to train and not for leisure, but  I love the freedom of a leisurely bike ride.

I just decided that after this marathon, I will run for leisure way more!  It is possible to run for distance and make it fun.

I crossed over this year into enjoying running way more than before.  I always had an admiration for it, but it is more enjoyable now and easier.  Also I have been running with a friend which has made a huge difference.  I am so glad God brought her into my life because she has encouraged me to do things I would otherwise not even try.

So, I guess that is it for now.

Monday, June 29, 2015

The struggle

I have struggled since childhood with homosexuality being a sin according to the bible.

I remember my mom having a friend who was a lesbian and I thought she was the most greatest person I could know!  She was a girl, and fun, and lively, and she treated me so kind.  I was confused...was I not supposed to like her?

In this past couple of years I have struggled a lot more with my stance.  I had some hard hitting questions.  But they weren't for my clergyman, they weren't for my friends.  They were for Jesus.

I wanted to know, "God, aren't I just supposed to love?"  "Am I worldly if I don't put up a fight?"  "Is America going to hell in a hand basket if I be kind and befriend gay people?"  "Lord, I don't deny that you call it a sin, but how can I keep my understanding of your Word to be true, yet witness to my fellow humans that you are an amazing loving God?"  "It's like everyone wants to hear us say it is not a sin, and love is love etc.  as much as I would love to grab onto that I idea, I know this is not the way."  "So if I can't say that, Lord, what can I say?"

I can say that the only unforgivable sin is to reject Jesus Christ's free gift of Salvation and Love.  I can say that yes, you can still be a homosexual and have a relationship with Jesus.  I can say that whatever happens with you and your sexuality and salvation after you accept Jesus into your heart is YOUR and GODS business not mine.  I can relax and say I love you no matter what...okay, well if you are not nice to me I will have a harder time loving you, but I assure you I will not judge because that is too hard and that is why it is not my job.  

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The past ten months

I decided to take on a lot this year.  Every year I write myself a letter about the things that I want to accomplish in the next year, or the things that I feel are worrying me in the present year.  I do it every year at Christmas time.  It's not my idea, but I am going to take the credit for now because it's a long story of how I got started.

December 2013's letter had some specifics in it, one being that I wanted to go to church consistently.  I no longer wanted to make excuses and be lackadaisical with my spiritual growth.  I wanted my family to be able to count on going every Sunday, and to teach them that this is very essential.  So I signed up to be a teacher in the 5th grade children's ministry at my church.  It is a big commitment as we don't trade off and work only 1-2 Sundays out of the month.  We are to be there every Sunday, unless we pre arrange a substitute.  You may think this is a little overboard but I, however, do not.  The design is so that the student and teachers can develop relationships and have a trusted rapport.  I am nearing the end of a 10 month stint at this and I can say the design is exceptional.  The children can come to class knowing that at least one person they are familiar with will be there.  What a blessing!  I got growth and commitment out of it, and I hope in turn that the children's faith has grown stronger in the process, as I know mine has :)

Another commitment I took on was to host an exchange student from China.
This has been another learning experience.  I am grateful to have a glimpse of what it will be like to have had a teen age daughter before I actually had a teen age daughter (mine just turned 13!).  I have had to learn to control my temper and come away from my selfishness.  I wish I could tell you that I perfected the patience and humility thing in the last 9 months, but I don't think that is going to happen until I see St. Peter…  I have enjoyed having someone who values my advice and dare I say wisdom.  There have been plenty of ups and downs, but to participate in someones future by helping them to find their success in America has been rewarding.

Work: God has certainly blessed me with a steady flow of clients.  Right now I have a very great group of clients that have stayed with me for at least 2 months or more.  It is such a blessing to see them change, and begin to feel better!  I love engaging with each one of them, I very much look forward to my time hearing about their lives as I help them strengthen their bodies.  I love troubleshooting situations that may be stumbling blocks.  I owe a lot to my clients over the past year as I have gained so much experience and knowledge.

Running:  I have stepped up my running game to the max (in my opinion).  I signed up for two full marathons.  My client/friend Jessie has encouraged me so much more than she will ever realize, she is running her first Marathon with me in October.  My first marathon will be June 13th.  I have trained more than I ever thought possible, and in conditions that I swore off when I first started.  When I have a goal that I am bent on achieving, all my little rules go out the window.  They talk on the podcast I listen to about the big let down after you achieve your marathon and reach your goal.  That is a very real concern for me right now.  I want it to happen and be over so I can have a short break, but it's kind of like Christmas where the build up is part of the fun.  

Next year is already filling up with obligations, most of them revolving around one little (almost) 8th graders trip to D.C.

I'll keep you posted :)

Thanks for reading 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Seattle Washington, my (now) favorite city

This week end I went to Seattle, Washington.
This is a city that I have avoided for far too long.  I avoided it because of the traffic, and because I had a preconceived notion about its inhabitants.

This is now my favorite city.  I have been to:
San Francisco
San Jose
Those are the big cities I can think of off the top of my head, and out of them all, Seattle is my favorite!

This is shocking to me because of how much I do not like the rain.  Granted the first day we were there it was sunny and beautiful.  I don't like to go to big cities because of the traffic, no parking, and crowds.  We stayed in a hotel right in the middle of down town.  You could see the space needle from our room.  We walked everywhere we needed or wanted to go.
I went there to run a really nice road race The Hot Chocolate 15K, it's a pretty big deal.  The finishers medal is gorgeous and the swag was insane!  That was the greatest way to top of the greatest girls trip.

Getting in the car on the way home and chatting about everything from dogs to running was so nice.  It was neat to have people to talk to who can really relate to running.
It was neat to be a part of my clients first race, what a privilege to run it with her.

Back to Seattle.  This city is so iconic, how could I not realize that?  Space needle, Public market, Pikes Place, The Wharf, The first Starbucks!!! HOME OF THE SEAHAWKS Are you kidding me?  I got to see all this and more.  Seattle welcomes visitors, they are excited to show off their iconic bling.  They are proud, and kind.
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

I misjudged this city, just like I do people.  I have missed out on so much.  I am never excited to go to any city.  Now I am biding my time to get back to Seattle.

I am thankful to my friends for including me and showing me so much fun, and I am thankful to God for giving me the courage to do something different and protecting me.