Man, today has been strange so far...not necessarily bad, just strange. I haven't done anything very out of the ordinary, I got up this morning, read the WORD, woke the kids, got them to school, then headed into town to take care of some business.
I think the reason I am finding my day strange is because I am having a difficult time staying focused. I have so many tasks to complete that I cannot keep them straight. Like this morning. I went to the bank to close some unnecessary checking accounts, and the bank was not open. Next stop on the other side of town to register my vehicle. After waiting 15 minutes for them to open, I realize I forgot cash...(what is it with the licensing people and no plastic?). Got that all taken care of, then decided to get my drivers license. I have no idea where to find that, so I plug the words vehicle licensing into my phone navigator. I am on my way into Vancouver now to get it done, my cell phone is on one bar of battery with no way to recharge, other than to pop my battery into Kurts cell phone, when I realize it is NOT vehicle licensing I want! (they don't do both in the same place in Washington) so I turn around. This would be a good time to go to the bank and take care of my accounts, but do I remember? NO...make a list you might say. Well I have about 4 lists on 4 separate pieces of paper that I cannot find.
I had a great accomplishment day yesterday. Got so much done, including setting up my craft room. I was hoping my husband would be happy that I accomplished the other stuff...he was probably satisfied, but focused mostly on the fact that I had the time to set up my craft room.
I like the fact that I don't have an outside job, not because of the time I have for myself...because believe me there really isn't much, but for the fact that I can accomplish errands and tasks, and my house stays relatively clean, and the kids are safe, and I can be there for all of my family members. I like that I can pop into the bank, or the DMV at times where there isn't a crowd. I think it works perfectly because I need to have the no crowd option as I am in a time crunch to pick up my lovely from school at noon.
I want a job sometimes tho just so I can say "I worked today...see? I did not have time to myself, I was locked away at work just like you." Either way, if I have the luxury of being able to accomplish errands during the day...and cannot get them done because I am so disoriented from being in a new place...then maybe I am really not doing my job.